زندگی در صدف خویش گهر ساختن است
By Admin • Mar 18th, 2009 • Category: وبلاگز نـد گی در صـد ف خـویـــش گـهـر ساخـتـن اسـت
در دل شـعـله فـرو رفـتن و نـگـدا خــتن ا ســت
Life is to perfect one’s pearl in its shell, to go through the flame and not be burned.
As a wise said,
Past is a cancelled check,
Future is a promissory note,
And present is the cash.
I say it is a (gift), perhaps a reason for calling a gifts as “Present”.
Dear Friend,
I read couple lines about your childhood and your nostalgia, for how it was then and how it is now? We all have the same problem. Especially our generation, being displaced from our roots and facing such a rapid change in technology that has created an environment which is not compatible with human physical and mental capacity.
This is the main reason for our bodies being so afflicted, at young age and Depression becoming the number one mental illness of our time.
What was to ease human’s life, has resulted in more destruction, because of lack of faith, which is the root of morality, ethics and values.
Life is lost for living; incomes are spent for furniture for which we have no time to rest in. Minds are occupied with how to pay the debts. Future is sold at the rate of mortgage. Social injustice created nothing but fear of each other. There seems to be no world war, but the whole world is burning in some form of fire. Nowhere and no body feel safe. West is celebrating 1000th-year of Rumi, and yet 1000 years after, not one more Rumi is born. Not to mention, if he was alive today, he would have been considered as a terrorist.
It all depends how we vision the world, our existence and responsibilities. Majority is after quick fix. What was the dream of a life-time is now the desire of tomorrow!
Hundred channels of Radios, TVs and satellites are running twenty four hours to create false appetite for sex, food and purchasing of goods, more that ninety per cent of which is not the basic needs of a normal or descent living. Future is sold at the price of few plastic cards, in which is hidden the dignity, courage and credit of the beholders!!!
Women are being the most humiliated, deprived and abused, in western Democracies as sex objects, commercial tools or entertainments and in the Eastern dictatorships or so called religious cultures, as different species. And we can continue on and on.
Those who are concerned are asking what should be done. Some suggest starting to change from the top. Some have given up the hope for any success, seeing multiple rises to fall. Some move with the currency of the crowd and yet there are those who think they may live their lives as the parasites!
In spite of human history, being a clear witness to the contrary of which is preached and persuaded the majority, that one cannot bring any change, yet major social changes have been initiated by the individuals and some times a group of few, who had no means or arms for changing people except being exemplary of human behavior.
(ا ســو ه حــســنـه )
Life is a challenge and struggle, first with self, to be conscious of all the hazards that contaminate and decay our human dignity (تــقــو ی ) and extend goodness and values to others with kind manner and peaceful personality ( ا حــســا ن ).
The length and chronicity of one’s life, matters not much, if there exists some moments in our lives that if we did not change the world, we made some change within ourselves. Since there are some moments in every ones life that it is worth the entire life.
No two human beings will have the same fate and future, not even the identical twins, which are born with almost similar potentials. Indicating there is a chance and room for individual effort, even though part of our personalities may be coded in our genes.
Congenital abnormalities do exist, but no one is born as criminal or righteous, pervert, gay or alcoholic etc. Those who are searching to find the cause of their social diseases and disasters in the structure of our genes, trying to justify their shameful behavior as God’s mistake!!! And this is a bigger shame!
August 18, 2007