My ER Prescription

By • Sep 8th, 2013 • Category: وبلاگ

In the name of Allah the most Compassionate, most Merciful

Allah mentions in the Qura’n, “The prophet (PBUH) complains, in the hereafter,that my Ummah (Muslim Community), neglected the Qura’n and they went astray………….”.

This is the fact. The faith that was found by Mohammad, based on the Qura’n has been contaminated by so many Hadith ( So said the prophet) and self written (Resalah) into so many divisions and sects. Some worship the prophet, Mohammedan, just like Christians. Allah and His books are all forgotten.

I feel so sad when I see many educated Muslims can not read the Qura’n and many more have not read the book even once in their lives!  The book being translated in many languages. There is no concept of Community(Ummah).  The countable companions of Mohammad (PBUH) were from different colors, genders, cultures, countries, different ages and classes.

Israeli woman PM, Mrs. Golden Mayer, was once asked when she took the position, “Where you not afraid of Muslims, accepting this position as a woman?” She said ” No. I would have been afraid if I had seen that the number of Muslims, who attended for fajr( Dawn) prayer, was equal to those who attended for the Friday prayer!!”  When she left the office, the reporter asked her “when was your worst day, the time you were in the office?” She said “The day I heard that the heads of Muslim nations were gathering in Cairo, to establish a united front against Israel. The night before their gathering, I could not sleep all night.”   Then she was asked “What was your best day if you recall? She said, “The same evening. When I heard the Muslim leaders did not have a single resolution.  Some fought with each other and their meeting ended with no decision!!”

When I was in a position, in the first post revolution cabinet, in Iran, more than 30 years ago, I wrote a plan in over 150 pages and gave it to the Planning Committee of the Revolutionary Council, chaired by Late Dr. Yadullah Sahabi). The abstract of my paper included my ER prescriptions, as follow,

۱- Separation of state and religion. Muslim and non Muslims have equal rights as long as they pay taxes and respect the believers of other faiths.

۲- Improving public education at all levels, having schools and universities open at least two shifts, in some fields perhaps three shifts, at the least possible cost if not free for the students.

۳- Having Qura’nic studies as part of the curriculum, starting from middle school.

۴-Reducing the role of clergies to the minimum and having academic Islamic study courses in natural sciences, sociology, world history etc. Requiring the standard teaching credentials for all those Islamic teachers and preachers and disregarding any especial uniform or dress code that may divided a teacher form a preacher. The latter creating an especial class with especial rights as so called “Rouhani”?

۵-Respecting the existing geographical boarders for Muslim countries, but having a United Army(Shared Defense), United Banking(Shared Economy) and United Public Health( Having free or lowest cost care for all).  Muslim Countries to have a common trade & currency (MCTC) and share the income of their natural resources in their growth and development and universal peace and balance.

For Planing and Development

۱- Having a general assembly of experts of Muslim Scientist, in all fields for planning, growth and development.

۲- Having a general assembly of the political experts and schools for leadership training, encouraging women to be more active in the administration.

۳- Having an assembly with special task for international relations, universal peace, interfaith dialogue, human rights and more importantly exchange of knowledge.

۵- Finally preparing a model of peaceful community and helping other nations and neighbors with the spirit of brotherhood PEACE and JUSTICE for all.

These were not dreams or desires, but actual goals with written common plans. I began with Education, Health and Welfare, which was in the area of my specialty, in Iran in 1980, but unfortunately I was forced to leave after near two years of struggle!

وعـلی الله فلیـتّوکل الـمومنـون
Believers will have their full trust in Allah.
Hope means hard work on the right path and positive expectation.

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