The truth about survival

By • Aug 22nd, 2009 • Category: وبلاگ

Why should a modern man worry about his survival? Our life is set, comfortable, convenient and predictable. Our countries take care of our Safety. Qualified doctors take care of our health. Producers and grocers Provide us with enormous amounts of food. Manufacturers and retailers supply an abundance of clothing to us. So where is the need for our independent efforts? The world around us is stable, predictable, and secure. Don’t we firmly know what will happen to us tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, and a week later?

The main danger for a person today is hidden behind the habit of being satiated and comfortable, behind lack of desire to think about the future, and inability to change the set patterns of life, even for a short time. Thus the person loses his main quality – SURVIVAL – i.e. the ability to adapt to different conditions of existence. The powerful natural instincts of human beings fall into the deepest sleep, the skills that were once inherent gradually die, and huge reserves of the organism remain forever untapped and unutilized. All our lives and futures consist of is everyday trifles and worries, conflicts and irritation, evening fatigue, diseases, and approaching old age.

Facts tell us that 80% of the people that die in extreme circumstances do not die of hunger or thirst, nor from fatal effects of the surroundings, but from frustration, fear and disbelief in their own strength, from lack of awareness of their own potential, from being used to laziness and comfort.

Facts tell us that even persistent and harsh martial arts training or Bodybuilding, in a gym, only very minimally raises the chances of survival in a real confrontation.

Facts tell us that over the past ten years, more and more often we’ve heard the word WAR, and it no longer happens in a far away land, but in our own countries.

Someone who has tried at least once to check himself and find his own limits, knows that these limits practically do not exist. In order to understand yourself, you have to test yourself. There’s no other way. No books, or instructions, or stories from experienced people will help. The ones who have tried will tell you — survival is not your equipment, the skill of making a fire, catching a fish, or building a shelter. SURVIVAL IS THE INNER CONFIDENCE OF A PERSON IN HIS OWN ABILITIES? IT IS THE UNDERSTANDING OF ONE’S SELF, A SPECIAL WAY OF THINKING AND PERCEIVING THE WORLD AROUND YOU.

Survival is only a part of the whole layer of human culture – the culture of personal safety. Survival is not only survival in the wild nature or in the extremes of combat. It is first and foremost survival in human society, the preservation and development of your own self, movement and progression along your own independent road. The most difficult task is to survive in human society while remaining a complete and real Person.

We’re all forced to walk independently along this road in life, and along this road there are questions like: “How do I orient myself in the forest?” “How do I obtain water and food in the desert?” “How do I avoid robberies and criminal attacks?” “How do I survive without money in an unfamiliar city?” “How do I live, when I don’t want to live?!!!” These questions are just the beginning – the first and most simple ones.

The main thing is to understand that we already are on this path and Cannot remove ourselves from it! The main thing is to be honest with yourself and to remain yourself in any situation!

The main thing is to believe that your abilities are endless and to believe in yourself!

I wish you success on your path!

With respect,
Konstantin Komarov

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