Mohammad (PBUH)
By Admin • Mar 18th, 2009 • Category: وبلاگWe are not Nabi, we have to follow him. Qura’n says and Mohammad repeatedly declares that he was a human being like any one else. (ا نــّی بـشــر مــثـلـکـم )
He feels pain and enjoys like others. In fact almost all the prophets are selected from the lowest class of their time, poor, illiterate, homeless. See Abraham, Musa, Isa and Mohammad (PBUT). So there is left no excuse for any one, to claim they were in much better position. The last messenger of Allah for the rest of humanity, slept on the floor, not on Persian carpets, the roof of his house was body and branches of the palm trees. He either had date and water or bread and milk as most of his meal. He never combined three! After all our forefather Adam was the first prophet therefore, prophecy is in every human’s nature. So in a sense we are all individually a rasul. (Please see Qura’n, surah 75: 14, 15).
– Being or not being religious. Those who claim they do not have a religion, are in fact having the purest form of religion, no contamination. What we claim as religion is the Mazhab,( Road) different ways of understanding God and making relation with Him.
(Religion). This is a qualitative and not quantitative measure. And who are we to judge who is who?
(انّ ر بــّکــم اعـلـم بـمـن ا هـتـد ی و مـن ضــّل عـن سـبـیلـه ) Only Your Lord knows who is guided to His path and who is gone astray?
– Do not confuse Muslims act with Islam. As Eqbal said, we need to save Islam from Muslims. This is true for the followers of other faiths as well. The Muslims were identified as people who did not smell, hundred of years back, in Spine and expelled or executed. Now in twenty first century, in California, with access to minimum hundred forms of cleaners and deodorants, my staff has to spray the exam room, after visiting a Muslim patient!
– And if you are not happy with Muslim around you, who all carry some form of their cultural bag in their mind and behavior, in a non Muslim country, Just look at the companions and first generation of Musa, Who worshiped the cow, just as he was absent for few days, The twelve close companions of Isa denied their association with him to escape execution (Did you see Passion of Christ?) and look at Mohammad’s companion.
Abu-Bakr died of old age; the other three caliphs were butchered to death. The bloody head of his grand son was carried on feet from one state to the other, can you imagine brutality and savagery. (Yazid and Hussein were the second cousins). His beloved wife, UMMUL MOUMENIN! Ayesha was brain washed by two men, once great sincere companions of the prophet, Talha and Zubair , to plan a war from Yemen against Ali! (Battle of Jamal)
So living with the prophet, being his relative, his companion or a freedom fighter and etc. none is enough to immune you from going from Aala Ellieen to Asfal Safeleen.
Noah did not change his son with nine hundred fifty years of prophecy and teaching.
Lut’s wife was lesbian, Jacob’s children all ten were criminal gangs, plotting against their
One brother, Joseph. In first human family, Cain killed his own brother, Able.
Azar, father of Ebrahim, prepared fire, throwing his son into it…………..
The man slaughter and butchery is going on at much higher scale today. If the battle was one to one then, now pressing a bottom will kill hundreds and destroys countless!
So you need to find your own position, are you siding with the butcher or the butchered!
– Qura’n says “The believers are brothers” Not just the Muslims.
This obviously refers to spiritual ties and love, but from genotypic point of view, we are all from the same source, therefore, are brothers and sisters.
بنی آ د م اعـضا ی یکدیگرند کــه در آفـرینش زیک گوهـرند
چـوعـضوی بدرد آورد روزگار دگـر عـضوها را نما ند قـرار
“Children of Adam are parts of the same body,
Since they all created from the same source.
If part of the body happens to be in pain
All other parts, quiet will not remain” Saadi