Neda Agha Soltan
By Admin • Jun 22nd, 2009 • Category: وبلاگبــسم ا لله الـرّحـمن الـرّ حــیـم
Neda Agha Soltan, born 1982, Philosophy Student, now alive in the hearts of freedom lovers.
This is “Neda” one of the first Martyrs of the recent savagery of rootless Iranian Mullahs. They kill in the name of “Allah”. They claim a religious government!!! They are worse than beasts, as the Qura’n says. They have no religion. Iranians need to return to Qura’n to find out there is no religious government in Islam. The teaching and belief of these arrogant Mullahs, is clearly “Shirk” and has nothing to do with Islam.
May her soul be in heaven, as she quietly is resting in her own blood?
“Never count as dead, those who struggle and give their lives, for the cause of Allah, verily they are alive and have their shares by their Lord”
ولا تحــسـبّن الـّذین قـتــلوا فی سـبیل الله امواتا” بل احــیاءْ عـند ربــّهم یرزقون
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“There are among the believers those who were sincere toward their promise with Allah, some already sacrificed their lives and others who are still waiting and never have changed their promise.”
من المومـنین رجالْ صــدقوا ماعـــاهـدواالله علیه، فـمنهــم من قـضی نحبه ومنهم من ینتظـر وما بـدّ لـوا تبد یلا
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