Searching for the cause?

By • Jun 2nd, 2014 • Category: وبلاگ

۱-A good Life, in where we are living, is mostly valued by wealth, good job, position, good time! , social class, profession, education and family at the narrow end….!!

۲-Happiness is searched somewhere out there and mostly foreseeing in future, with hard work, spending life to make a living, the type of living that is mostly taken and planned by others rather than ourselves. Good credit meanings having high debts.

۳-Only 20% of tens of thousands workers in U.S. interviewed said they liked their job.
The rest 80% did not enjoy and had no passion for what they spent their lives for….!!

۴-The “Look” is incomparable in value to what is “Love’ and being Lovable!
Love which is a creative effort, requiring basic elements of  UNDERSTANDING,

CARE and then RESPECT, a very time consuming process, being eager, having mercy and doing sacrifice, is mistaken by playing sex, not even being limited to one’s privacy and intimacy but at whenever and wherever, even in public!!

۵- What every body, no matter rich or poor, is not having sufficient is “Time”, blindly serving in the chains of masters who are constantly working and net working to keep the near total majority as their slaves. Yet some believe they live in freedom.

۶- Near 2/3 or more of gross income tax money of the most civilized nation of our time is spent to make guns and arms!! As we are increasingly afraid of each other, we are fighting wars for the sake of peace! And mostly killing those for whom we have no animosity and yet talking of human rights!  SLAUGHTERING human for the sake of humanity!! Arms are being manufacture to kill and not expect them to heal!

۷- Security of individuals or National is only a Joke. Never in history of mankind, in the era of this advanced technology, there have been so many visible and invisible locks, guards, codes and alarm systems, yet none of these has served its purpose, rather created more fear, anxiety and insecurity!!

۸- How merciless we have been to our environment, a process of self destruction and suicide that is affecting all beings, consequently other planets and not just the earth.

۹-How can we measure the amount of  moral damages, social disasters and injustices, hidden racism and slavery, divorce, drugs, alcohol, AIDS, suicide, homicide, increasing crimes and criminals that requires building more prisons than schools and universities in the most civilized nations!! Depression is number one of Psychiatric disease in our time!!

۱۰- There appears to be no world war now, but the whole world is burning in fire at different places and scattered corners.  I hope you do not think I have focused on negatives, no
As physicians we always search for the diseases and believe the best treatment is the preventive Medicine, not to ignore the illness, their roots and the actual causes!

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